Funnel cakes at ihop?!


Funnel cakes at ihop?

are they still doing that are they any good?

They are pretty good...I had the apple ones, my hubby had the strawberry one........Not as good as a fair but they are still really good............................. it !

the blueberry one... to die for!

they r ok

Yes they are doing it, no they are no good.

u bet

yes novelty!!!

uhm sure thye are ...

hell ya!

Funnel cakes rock! But the ones at IHOP are gross. In fact, everything at IHOP usually is gross. Everytime I go there I wonder why the hell I ended up there.

no good... ihop sucks

Yes, they are great!

yes they are still there and they are good

they are good... and yes they're doing it again

Yeah, I saw them the other day. They also now serve them as a dessert with ice cream. Very sugary.

They will make your hair stand up!!

lol i love ihop! i've never had funnel cakes. in fact ever since i was a little girl I have NEVER had anything else but the same thing.

breakfast sampler!

yes they are making it still but they are thin and hard...yuk yuk yuk

Limited Time offers can speak for themselves. English: Probely not anymore.

my daughter and I were just there monday and they were still doing it. I LOVE THEM! Especially the strawberry one! Everytime I see their blasted commercial I want to go to IHOP.

okay. I like plain, fair or six flags funnel cakes.

I don't know if they are still offering them. I tried there once and it was as good as the ones you get in the carnivals.

Yes, they are still doing that. I'm not sure how they taste, though. They look damn good to me.

Yea they are.....but why eat funnel cakes for breakfast?

I really don't care for them. However when they make their pumpkin pancakes in the fall--I am there! With butter pecan syrup, they make a perfect breakfast.

well if you ever been to hurricane harbor at six flags they have them there and they are so moist and delicious and at i-hop they taste exactly the same ooooooooooh

Funnel cakes should not be eaten in any restaurant. They are meant for festivals and carnivals. You have to eat a funnel cake while walking around.

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