Do you know where can i purchase christmas candy cane in Singapore?!


Do you know where can i purchase christmas candy cane in Singapore?

Please take a reference to this link if you don't know what i am talking about. :) Thanks!

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11 months ago
Please take a reference link if you don't know what i am talking about. :) Thanks!

11 months ago
Please take a reference link if you don't know what i am talking about. :) Thanks!

u can purchase them in major amercian supermarkets or party shops.Supermarkets such as careforre(mispelled) and Liberty supermarket.However,its not the christmas season so u may have difficulty in finding dem.

Try calling confectionaries/bakeries. They might sell them when the season comes!

concourse @ beach road. They do distributions of such candies too. So much cheaper when you purchase in bulks. Every year when x'mas is nnear, they hold fairs that sell everything that's x'mas-related.

i don't either. but u can search the web...

in famous amos corner

Think i saw it at Suntec City if i remember correctly, it's at the store where they sell a wide variety of chocolates, quite near to giordano i think.

At this time of year? Try the Concourse. You could ask the shop keepers. They are generally very helpful when they don't have any in stock.

when it's near the can get it in the supermarkets....ntuc has it too...

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