After you cut up an apple, how do you stop it from browning?!


After you cut up an apple, how do you stop it from browning?

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11 months ago
I will be serving a class of 20 students a snack treat during their lunch time. So, I need the apples to look freshly cut.

11 months ago
I will be serving a class of 20 students a snack treat during their lunch time. So, I need the apples to look freshly cut.

Fill a bowl with water and add the juice of 1/2 a lemon. After you cut up the apples, add them to the water-lemon solution. This will stop the oxidation process, which makes the apples turn brown. This works for bananas, pears, and any other fruit that turns brown after a while after cutting it.

Lemon juice; spritz it or rub a cut lemon on the fruit of the apple. Works for bananas too.

Lemon juice or Fruit Fresh

put it in water

Squirt with a little lemon juice.....

Lemon Juice!!!

you can add lemon juice to it, fresh or bottle. it also gives it a unique flavor

eat it

eat it.

By painting it white.

Well, after you cut it you EAT it !!!

or you can freeze it

lemon juice

at my work when we slice apples for a salad, we put them in a big tub w/ ice water and lemon juice... works better than that fruit-fresh powder stuff

a little bit of salt works too

Squeeze some lemon or lime juice on it.

Put it in cold water and lemon juice.

Sweeze some fresh lemon juice over it works on bananas too.

Take lemon juice and spritz it over the apple and it slows down the browning, but there is no way to completely eliminate the browning process while still maintaining the edibility of the apple.

lemon spritz lightly

dip it in lemon juice

Put lemon juice on it. If you are not going to eat it right away put the two halves back together so that no air can reach the cut parts. Exposure to air causes the cut apple to begin turning brown.

That's simply, just drizzle with lemon juice.

lemon juice lol

dip it in vinegar for 2 seconds

You eat it real fast.
Or put it in water with a cap full of lemon juice.

Add some salt in a bowl of water, use that water for cleaning the apple (after skinned and divided, of course).

Lemon or lime or orange juice or grapefruit juice..

Lemon juice.

Spritz with lemon juice or sprinkle with cinnamon to hide the brown and add flavor at the same time.

put them a zip lock bag..

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