Are women who find fart jokes undesirable?!


Are women who find fart jokes undesirable?

All women fart - but to what extent? They fart because they have to, not because they want to and show off to their friends. Farts are a rather funny bodily function that should not under-analyzed.

I don't think most people would think women are undesirable just because those women search for, and then find, fart jokes.

Are women who find fart jokes undesirable _____?

Did you fart at the wrong time and therefore not finish the question?

I worked with an older Greek woman once who did the best SBD's [silent but deadly] farts. We all knew it was her but no one ever said anything. Remember, what goes in must always come out as a solid a liquid or gas. It's time we all owned up and be proud of farting, especially when you let out a ripper! Nothing better!

find me a fart joke - i'll show ya how desirable i am!

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