Lets hear it for chedder goldfish!!!?!


Lets hear it for chedder goldfish!!!?

do you like them?

ah ha ha! I was just thinkin of that time in Friends when Chandler's roommate replaced his fish w/ a cheddar goldfish. I think Buddy was his name.

anyway, I like to eat them.

I could eat these all day and night.

I got the ones with calcium added to make me feel a little better...

Yes but they're fatty so I shouldn't overdo it.

'I LOVE LOVE LOVE cheddar goldfish. They're great to take with you anywhere you go.


love them!!

they are alright

Love them!

uh huh

It's like Pringles, once you pop you can't stop! It's way too easy to eat a million of those smiley little fish once you get going.

Yes,they are great in tomato soup.Kids like this,too!

Oh sure, they're great if you don't mind poisoning your body.

The last time I checked Goldfish contained hydrogenated oils (trans fat). This is one of the worst substances you can put into your body. If you want to have health problems and risk cancer then eat up.

used to, until i looked at the ingredients list, yikes, strictly a very once in a while thing now!

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