HOT WINGS or Fries?!


HOT WINGS or Fries?

hot wings, i watch my carbs so fries are the kiss of death lololol, plus wings are just damn good!

hot wings

Fries! Hot Wings can leave a nasty taste in ur mouth! They're also messy! Nobody needs a messy keyboard.

from a vegetarian - FRIES

Hot Wings are awesome!!!! I'm not much of a fry fan....

hot wings! ^__^

Homemade HOT WINGS
Spice them up baby!

if they are fries then SPICE IT UP WITH A LITTLE BAM IN THE FRIES!

Wings with Bleu cheese mmm mmmm. If you are going to make them yourself the trick with fries is to fry them twice.


hot wings.........fries are ok but hot wings are the way to go

Fries, Please!

hot wings. fries suck up too much oil.


How about eating both with some ranch or blue cheese dressing......Yummy! Now you made me hungry.......

Hot Wings.

There are a bunch of hot wings restaurants, but no french fry restaurants so I guess I'm not the only one to prefer HOT WINGS.

I would say both... but if you just want one then go for the hot wings.

Hot wings...extra crispy...wings that are baked yuck....bring on the grease.

Both... I'm starving now thats why I can just pig out massively! lol ;p

Hot wings with bleu cheese dressing, celery sticks and seasoned curly fries! Have the best of both worlds together in one complete meal! Have a nice ice cold lemonade to wash it all down and complete the meal with a nice piece of key lime cheesecake!

fries with grease from the hot wings stuck to it

Hot wings, yummy!


Hot Wings. Natürlisch

without a doubt hot wings, especially if they are my recipe.


Fries! Dipped in BBQ sauce.


Yum-yum I'll take both.

BBQ Hot Wings. BBQ your chicken wings first on a smoker not a BBQ grill. After about three hours..remove them and then dip them into your favorite BBQ sauce doused with Hot sauce. and then place them back on the smoker and add your hickory chips to smoke it down.
talk about the best Hot wings in the south.
P.S. Put onions and potato peelings on your hot coals.

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