Smoothie/Margarita blenders...what is best?!


Smoothie/Margarita blenders...what is best?

I am looking to buy a blender in the $50 range that will make nice, smooth blended drinks. Is it possible for $50 or will I need to spend more?

I'll tell you what I have a kitchen aide bleader about $137.00 my friend has a smoothie maker from target about $15.00 and hers makes better smoothies than mine. Reaturant quality.

Save your money, use a $9 blender from Target. Trust me. It does the same thing but doesn't have the pretty spout in the front of it.

Kitchen Aid and Cuisine Art work great and are reputable brands that have a warranty, and cost only a little more but are worth it. They are on the Food Network Channel too. Hey, if Emril and Rachel Ray are using those so am I. I was looking for a Kitchen Aide it was on sale at Macy's but it comes in so many colors, it was sold out in that color so I am looking too.



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