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I am thinking about opening a new theme restraunt. What are the two things people love more then anything else? Fine food and In-Your-Face Attitude with a martial arts spin. Picture this, there you are enjoying a mac and cheese with hot dog in it when your waiter, dressed as Steven Seagal, jumps in your face and screams "Out of Nowhere! Steven Seagal! In your face!". Waiters will be dressed as famous martial artists and will play act amazing fights, often smashing each other through you table, covering everything with food. And you can always get new food at an additional price. Scantily clad waitresses will periodically throw your food on the floor, and replace it for extra cost. The best part, meals will last up to 4 hours due to the constant ruining and replacing of food, so its like dinner and a movie. How exciting is this going to be? All the wasted food will likely attract homeless people, in case customers want to do a little brawling themselves! What do you think?

This is definatly one place we will never visit. But heey, if you have some rich, bullyish, dumb people that are interested, I say go for it.
Might I suggest that you go to San Antonio and visit a very good resturant called Dick's. They have waiters and watresses that have ALOT of additude, and may even eat your food, but they DO NOT make you pay to replace what they have taken from you. It is a blast to visit. Maybe you could get some good pointers from them.

i think thats the dummest thing i ever heard the resturant fine but all the fighting and wasteing of food do u kno how much money ull spend for food and replacing tables all the time think bout it ur nuts no one is gonna wanna go there.

It needs customer participation. If I kick a waiters *** I get a free dessert or something. You'll also need a whole wall of old Mortal Combat video games.

let me know when and where. I'll be there for the grand opening

if you need help training, e-mail me.

This sounds like an episode from Jerry Springer!

I don't think it will work either...I hope you have a back up plan!

Have you even checked with the health inspectors for your area to see if you could have this? I am not sure you would attract all ages with this.

If you build it they will come. So basicaly you should build a restraunt that dishes out alien food! Or you could go with your idea I like it but you might need to do it on an island or maybe inside church grounds where the Gov cant mess with your plans as much. I would probably go into your place but only after having taken a long training in martial arts and prepaired to take damage alot lol...

May I suggest that you contact a bankruptcy lawyer, as you will be needing one in the near future.

ahhhhh no


You are nuts.

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