MIssing Chocolate from Germany Please HELP!!?!


MIssing Chocolate from Germany Please HELP!!?

I used to live out there and now I miss all the good Chocolates they have out there.
To order it is sooo.... expensive because of the shipping costs,
any Ideas where I can get something affordable?

They also used to have Plum Jam out there which I couldn't find so far out here yet? Do they have Plum Jam out here? If so then Please details on which stores.....!

Additional Details

10 months ago
Im in California, L.A.!!

10 months ago
Im in California, L.A.!!

Well, if I knew where you were, it would be more helpful. I do know that you can find Lindt at pretty much any Vons store (safeway in some places). I believe they have it at Albertsons also. Whole Foods has it so does Cost Plus (they also have kinder and a few otherr brands). There's a German store right around the corner from me that has everything from chocolates to bread to herrbal teas. They even have Wurtzburg wine! Good luck, nothing else will do when you're looking for the real thing, no American company comes close.

Girl I hear ya!!!!! I am German and when I used to live in the States, I had my mom send "care-pakets" every other month with the chocolate (it had to be MILKA, nothing else worked for me LOL) and certain jam.
Here my advise:
Find the IKEA store closest by!
IKEA sells swedish chocolate in their furniture-stores (well, at least here in Germany they do - their "grocerie"-area is always situated at the end, right behind the cash-registers)
If you liked the german MILKA chocolate, you wil LOVE the swedish chocolate, believe me!!!! (Their plain cookies are great, too)
And if that doesn't help, ever thought about checking if there are any german-amerikan friendship-clubs in your area? If so, why don't you try to contact them? I am sure you will find at least one person still being in touch with people living here; maybe they can be so nice and add some extra chocolate in their next "carepaket"-delivery for you for small costs....

Good luck!

in case you're into cooking, check this site for plum jam recipies:

Alot of european delicatessens and larger supermarkets sell products made in germany!!
(I am half german- love that kinder chocolate!!!)

order the free catalog bakers catalog.com

I like chocolate milk!

I can help. You can order lots of European stuff if you look up Balkan Pearls in the internet. I order lots of goodies from there that you only see in Europe. Give it a try..

Even though I live far away from L.A., they sell fancy chocolates in Ma and Pa grocery stores here. I'm sure you can find a little grocery/specialty store some where in L.A., just will take a bit of patience trying to find. Good luck, and I know how you feel about not being able to get homey comfort foods.

I think you should buy a jar of Nutella. It's a hazelnut-chocolate spread. I promise, you'll love it. You can spread it on plain white bread or just eat it on a spoon. You can frost a cake with it............it's delicious.

As for the Plum Jam. Try Hungarian Lekvar.
It's a delicious prune jam that I think you'll like.
I've seen Plum Jam in specialty stores though so I don't think you'll have a problem.

Go into a store that carries imports.

Try Cost Plus

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