Who pays for the liquer at wedding reception?!


Who pays for the liquer at wedding reception?

Traditionally, the bride's family pays for the reception, including all of the costs of the food, liquor, cake, entertainment, and decorations. These days, it is not unusual for bride and groom to split the cost, if the groom or his family offer to help.

I disagree with the answers above about a cash bar at a wedding, though. Tacky, tacky, tacky. You have invited people to come to your wedding and reception as your guests, and they are giving you the gift of both a wedding present and their time to be with you on your special day. It would be very poor manners to expect them to pay for their own drinks, or anything else. If you cannot afford a full open bar (and that's fine, many can't), then you should scale back your plans to something you can afford to host. It is perfectly all right to just serve wine and beer and champagne, for example.

The same person that pays for the wedding reception. If you re renting out a hall it is ither included or added afterwardsbased on how much your guests drink

Traditionally, the brides family pays the cost of the reception. Many receptions today, however, utilize a cash bar, with non acoholic beverages provided free of charge.

You can go one of two ways.
The brides family pays for everything, called an open bar. ( this is VERY expensive and I don't recommend it)
Everyone buys their own drinks, called a cash bar.

Now adays... I would tally all bills and split them evenly... it's the only fair thing to do!

who cares? are u getting married? then invite us before u ask.

the bridge

i agree that a cash bar is tacky. if you want to limit the alcohol then just serve beer and wine. I wanted a dry reception, but my in laws insisted on a full bar. I told them that if they wanted the bar they could pay for it.

the bride's family, but nowadays, anyone who is willing to help out with the reception.

The bride and groom do unless they are lucky enough to have someone else pay for the wedding. It's not all that common that the brides family pays anymore.

I am not positive but most weddings I have been to make you pay. What I did is I gave all the 21 and up guest 2 free drink tickets and if they wanted more they had to pay, so that way it was fair.

The wedding reception costs are usually paid for by the Bride and or her family
Food, liquor,the wedding cake, music, etc are all costs absorbed by the Bride
If the Bride and Groom are responsible adults, they pay for the reception (unless the parents wish to make a contribution)

Usually the parents of the groom and bride.

Generally that responsibility has always been paid by the grooms parents. However things have changed in the last decade greatly so this has not always been the norm.

nowdays everyone shares the cost, both the boy and girls side

The brides parents usually set a budget and after that guests have to buy their own.

I would suggest a cash bar.

whoever does the liquing

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