What do you like on your fries? Worcester sauce?!


What do you like on your fries? Worcester sauce?

I used to love 'em as a kid with Worcester Sauce

Cheese and Gravy.. I love Poutine, dont ask me what that is. lol

Ketchup and mayonaise mixed is the best. sometimes ill eat em with plain mayo if the ketchup tastes..."off" fries dipped in a milkshake is good too, or ice cream . Ooooh gravy on fries is good too . Now I want lunch ....thanks


Ketchup and mayonnaise mixed together.. yum.
Melted cheese.

I have never tried them with Worceshire (?) sauce. I like them with a mix of mayo and ketchup, I also like them with malt vinegar.

Mayonnaise or honey mustard.

I like Bojangles Chicken's honey mustart sauce on their fries cause they use season salt instead of regular.Or ranch dressing. Or blue cheese dressing. or just plain with a little salt. Frendh Fries are my all time favorite food!!!

ketchup and salt.

Just salt and pepper...thanks for asking.

Extra Cheese..like the nacho cheesy

Medium.... catsup or vinegar
Fat steak fries...tarter sauce

Mayo or Ranch dressing

Ever try mixing a little mustard into your catsup? maybe a little pepper too if you like. yum. (=

Apple cider vinegar and salt, thank you. especially with fish.

bob big boy seasoning salt

a bit of salt and the vinegar that is in pickle jars oh and tomato sauce

depends where I get them either:

apple cider vinegar is good
Heinz 57 sauce

tarter sauce

Ketchup and mustard mixed together or ranch dressing.

I like my fries with ketchup and Tabasco!! Mmmmmmmm..... sooo yummmmmyyy!!! :D
Sometimes I also eat it with ketchup only, or ketchup+mayo when I dun have Tabasco.
Fries with Worcester sauce?? Sounds very interesting. Never tried it before, never thought of it before! But I'll give it a try, because I'm a fan of Worcester sauce ;-)

ketchup and mayo


Chilli and cheese

a small amount of salt, ketchup and a few dashes of tobasco!

Salt pepper fries dipped in honey.

horseradish sauce

salt. maybe a little paprika. portugese people in MA put vinegar on theirs.

i like my fries with KETHCUP!!!! thank you very much!

bar-b-que sauce

Mayonaise and curry seasoning.

Ranch Dressing or the hot mustard from Burger king

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