Need great bachelorette dining in New York City.?!


Need great bachelorette dining in New York City.?

I am planning my friends bachelorette party and I am looking for somewhere great to go for dinner where they cater to these types of parties.

chip and dales is in NYC? ain't it .

the baclorettealways.

Ok Party,
I am a firm believer that if you want to give a party for a friend, you want it to memorable. Well, I think this idea might be just that. There is club/theater in NewYork called Culture Club. Its rather an unusual place but you and your friends will have a ball. The show is called Birdy's Bachelorette Party... Ticket info? Dial 212-352-3101. Its far too much for me to explain... but its a very interactive experience. Then you also get to check out the club after the show...Culture Club is an experience within itself....
Hope you find a nice spot.. but at least give Culture Club a once around....

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