What flavor cake would you like?!


What flavor cake would you like?

Fudge Brownie ice cream cake. (the cake part would have to be vanilla though)

Chocolate. Thanks for asking :)

Caramel.............. yum

Mock angel food.

German Chocolate




sneeze juice.

bless you.


Angel food. Yum.....

Marble. I'm a wedding caterer and its the BEST

Carvel Ice Cream cake for me, thanks.

Lemon cake with cream cheese frosting ummm mmm!

carrot with buttercream icing.

Straberry of marble

I would love it if someone would make a homemade caramel cake! Never had it but sounds delicious

I love wedding cakes

Chocolate cake, chocolate icing, chocolate syup. I think I have a problem.

checkerboard-chocolate and strawberry with chocolate or cream cheese frosting

Thank you for asking.

Orange Creamsicle Cake, thank you.

i had the most delicious double fudge chocolate cake with strawberry butter cream filled with strawberry type jam and chunks of strawberry's and banana's. i sounds weird but it tastes delicious

Marble-Strawberry and Vanilla with buttercream icing thank you =o)

yellow with chocolate icing

White Cake with buttercream frosting

If this is a dessert invitation--carrot cake with cream cheese frosting, please!

Well for one, I hate chocolate cake! It makes me want to gag! So... I'm more of a vanilla girl!

strawberry and vanilla butter cream icing

yello butter cake no frosting


That depends on what the main course is. In some cases cake wouldn't be the best to offer either. If you're just throwing a shin-dig with only cake and punch...then you can probably choose whichever is your favorite flavor.

For something different, maybe raspberry cake with cream cheese frosting & fresh berries placed in decorative arrangement on top. Drizzle some of the juice as well to create a beautiful, tempting treat....and note that this can be mixed with chocolate swirls as well.

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