Where can I buy a fifi flowertot cake?!


Where can I buy a fifi flowertot cake?

you could also take a picture into asda of fifi and they can print it onto cake - goodluck

I saw one in morrisons the other day.. or order it from asny bakery or cake makers. look online in your area for a good one.
My little girl wants a butterfly sems easy enough no? its a nightmare!

prettu sure I saw one in M&S. Try visiting the major supermarket websites and searching..might save your legs. Good luck. Mothercare do fab Fifi wellies,by the way.


Try Asda

I live in Chorley, Lancashire and there is a shop called "Have your Cake and Eat it".

They have a website called www.haveyourcakeandeatit.org They have quite a lot of novelty cakes and are available by mail order.

If they do not have one, they have designers and staff who may be able to help and make one specially for you - you will just have to ask.

Hope this helps



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