How much food for a party based on number of guests?!


How much food for a party based on number of guests?

Planning a party for about 100 guests and need to know how much food I will need.

get a copy of a book called Food for Fifty , you don't need the latest edition a slightly earlier edition will work just as well. Those of us who feed lots of people on a regular basis keep a copy on our bookshelves at work- it is an excellent reference text

a pro

It depends on what state your in. If it's in Washington then you'll need approx. 5lbs of food/person and if your in Texas you'll need 25lbs of food /person. Good luck

What kind of party? Lunch? Dinner? BBQ?

Are you planning on having dessert as well?

Give me some details and I will try to help you out

Think of a single plate of food - what would it have on it? A typical meat serving might be 4-6 ounces of meat, a 1/2 cup of vegetables (times 2), a potato.

Just do the math. You might want to add 5% for extra guests or 'big' appetites.

go with a buffett. it'll be cheaper. assume an "entree" per person so figure in 150 pieces of main entree like chicken or beef or whatever. need sides, so figure about 1 pound per 3 people. drinks. just get a whole bunch. appetizers are relatively easy since you just need some finger foods like pizza rolls or california rolls or whatever. and dessert. 1.5 pieces per person

Depends on the type of food! For pasta they say about 1/4-1/3 lb per person. . .Desserts average two finger pastry per person. . .Not know what you're serving makes it harder, but I know those two off the top of my head from when I used to work in a retail cafe.

That is a difficult question to answer. You don't say what kind of party it will be.I can recommend 2 books..Cooking For A Crowd by Susan Wyler and Cooking For Crowds For Dummies by Simmons&Simmons. Both are excellent books. You could also do a web for crowds.

expect for each guest to have at least 3 or each appetizer and two times as much entree. this will cover people who eat a ton and people who dont eat that much. Everyone always eats tons of apps and its tacky to run out

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