Meat & two veg...............?!


Meat & two veg...............?

Tommorow im having Roast Pork, sausagemeat stuffing, fresh apple sauce, rustic mash, roast potatoes, mashed swede & cauliflower cheese, i tend to overdo the ammounts, like to join us ?

Yes please, can I bring my hubby, he'll do your cooking proud and he's house trained. I'll bring a bottle of good plonk if you like, whats for pudd? I'll do that if you want.

Yum, I love roast pork...Where do you live!!!!

Mmmm yum, sounds delicious, would love to.

I'm not sure, whats for pudding??

Only if there is a lot of apple sauce and crackling!!

i would but you don't have enough veg...where are the peas, carrots and can't have a sunday roast without them...

Would love to but sorry can't got a raging headache. Pork and all the trimming my favourite. Booooooooooooo.
You've got my tastebuds all of a tingle.

Oh stop, your making my mouth water.(don't forget the crackling)

mmmmm YUM sounds DELICIOUS!

Can I have dumplings as well?

oh yes please thats my favorite i feel hungery now

wheres the peas???? cant have sunday roast without them!! and dont forget the gravy..!! not coming to yours..ill eat me own least it got peas!!

like to join ya?....ID LOVE TO LIVE WITH YA

Would love to join you. Any chance of mashing some carrots with the swede?

Love everything except the pork so someone else can eat mine but the veg soouds divine. I'll bring the Merlot! Chin chin.

Sorry, I am going to have to pass. Not a fan of pork products in general, so roast pork and sausage stuffing are out. Not a big fan of cauliflower, so there would have to be tons of cheese, and that just defeats the purpose of eating the cauliflower. I could eat the applesauce and potatoes though. That sounds yummy. As far as rustic mash and mashed swede, I have no idea what that even is so there would be no getting that into my mouth. Again, thanks for the invite. Bon Appetite!

Mashed Swede? I think I'll pass.

Where's the crackling???? - can't eat Pork without some crackling - just not done!!!

Other than that, yes I would like to have done, apart from the fact I have a prior engagement and I too am entertaining.

Well, the question is daft enough, but by God, I weep for the answerers!

Sounds tempting but I will be at the Fair..selling Onion Rings!!

no sound good

yes ta but no cauliflower cheese i hate it

Yes! Sounds great!

what time????

that sounds great i can almost smell ur wonderful cooking yummy! my mom adds onions and the secret to a roast is too add water so u get alot of juices and non-dry meat cause no one likes tht :) safe cookin

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