What is your favourite pub entertainment?!


What is your favourite pub entertainment?

..Is it karaoke or a quiz night? A football match or a jazz session?

karaoke.... love it , Great fun .. ( i came 2nd in a REM comp ... out of 25,000 others on a National UK singing competition )

Everyboby hurts... some times.

You can′t beat a good pub quiz...

lager and cigarettes.

quiz night! live music is a tight second.

I prefer just a good game of billiards.......put on some good music as background and I'm set!

Nothing to beat live music.

I mlike watching football in a pub and also like Karaoke from time to time.

Any kind of live band as long as they are good.

Avoiding all hogshead pubs is a very nice pastime. The words brewery and piss up spring to mind and you actually are a brewery.


Live music - only if it's good.

live music, jazz to bluegrass

lock in!!! but that's no fun now drinking is 24hour

A good stripper, who wants to please the lads with a little extra, whooaa.

Getting to the bar, sometimes you have to waltz through, sometimes you have to fight your way through, and if you drop your wallet on the way.... scrum down.



Qiuz night to start then have a karaoke session, people will have had a few drinks by the time the quiz is over making the karaoke alot funnier as people who wouldn't normally participate get up to sing thinking they should have their own recording contract.


Flirting...I don't need any other entertainment then that! Just kidding. Really, I think a pub quiz is the most fun.

cant you afford to pay a research agency?

Usually i just like some faint music in the background that way if i don't like it i can ignore it and talk to my friends (Lounge music is a big NO!!!). But for special nights... Have themes! E.G Grease! you can have a karaoke competition, then a quiz, and even a costume competition all on the themes! Enjoy!

what a prick you are wa-nker to-ss pot

got to be my brother in laws band "pure Genius" excellent night out!!

I love karaoke, quizzes are cool too. A good live band is always nice, as long as they're not too loud. I love to shoot pool too, so 4-5 pool tables in the pub is a nice touch. And you can't beat sexy women around the pub and on the bar every once in a while.

Watching the drunks fall off bar stools.

Quiz night, or chatting the barmaid.

live music you cant beat it ....Karaoke is ok if your had a few but its not often you got someone who can sing on it.

a comedian

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