What is the funniest B-B-Q incident you have had this Summer?!


What is the funniest B-B-Q incident you have had this Summer?

I got thrown into the swimming pool.... I was wearing white..... My phone was in my pocket........... everyone laughed.......... I didn't........ but it does seem funny now looking back.....

when my hotdog burned and then it exposed the inside!

why is ur name hogs head pubs?

Our neighbours caught a tree on fire and my dad tied a baloon onto his next door neighbours door knob and it blew away and the neighbour said "he had seen some prat tie a baloon on his front door on CCTV, but it did not show the face of the person"

I bumped into a woman ina pretty expensive dress at Hoggy's BBQ and she was mad and started calling me profanitys. The funny thing her and her family had just come from church!


Watching the underdone sausage advert on T.V.

My brother in law got drunk at a barbecue and walked straight into our glass doors....its was hilarious but weirdly enough he didnt find it funny....

we got the bbq out of the shed and it still had a beef burger on it from last year.gross but funny.

I hired a very funny comedian

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