How many bottles of Champaign I need for a 3 gallon Champaign fountain?!


How many bottles of Champaign I need for a 3 gallon Champaign fountain?

Look @ the ounces on the bottle...there are 128 ounces to a gallon. You will need 384 ounces for 3 gallons...depends on how many ounces are in a bottle....that will tell you how many bottles you need...

You will need to buy 12 liter bottles of champagne to fill the fountain. Each liter is approximately 1.05 quarts, & 4 quarts to the gallon, so the 5% extra will give you something to sip on while you appreciate your centerpiece.

Enjoy ;-)

10-15 depending on the size ive even seen 1 leter botteles

depends on the size of the bottle

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