If you had to take something to a western cowboy potluck?!


If you had to take something to a western cowboy potluck?

What would you take - if you had to go directly from work? There is a fridge here - but I'm thinking something in the way of snacks or an appetizer that is cowboy-related. What ideas do you have?

Cowboys ate a lot of different foods but if they ate snacks it was probably beef jerky. I would bring something like cornbread, corn muffins, hush puppies even though they're not really cowboy food. If you bring the any of the above mentioned corn type breads, I would add some chili peppers, onion, and chili powder to the recipe. Now that is some good eating and have fun at the party.


potatoes...or biscuits


That morning prepare a good and spicy salsa along with a guacamole dip. Then bring chips and you're set. For the quacamole dip use a recipe that calls for mayo. Then spread the mayo over top of the mixture. In this way the guacamole will keep in the refrigerator until it's time to eat. Then mix it up.

"Cowboy" is a pretty broad theme, but I think anything with a Southwestern flavour (yes, yes - very punny) would fit the bill. Chips and salsa? Cornbread? Quesadillas?

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