Christmas Wedding Menu?!


Christmas Wedding Menu?

I am getting married this Christmas and would like ideas for the food.. non-alchol beverages please. I'm really not decided as to a meal or heavy finger foods. Any ideas?

How fun! I love winter weddings. But girl, you need to get moving on that menu!

A few thoughts:

Soup served in hollowed out gourds (so cute with the little stems as caps)
Soup served in tiny little glasses or mugs. This is all about presentation and should have a good edible accompinament or garnish.

Keep the salad simple and the dressing light since many of your foods will be heavy. Consider pomegranite seeds as a component.

Baked Brie with Pomegranite or Figs. (A cheese station with artisan breads is a great way to get people to fill up before dinner if you're light on budget. Have the caterer come up with cute signs with information about the different cheeses.)

Mini lamb chops w/ dipping sauce. Or chops as an entree with a little yorkshire pudding.

Instead of turkey, go with duck and some kind of gourmet stuffing.

Do a hot non-alcoholic cider or non-alc egg nog for your signature cocktail. Again, this is all about presentation and garnish.

Just a thought...Since it gets dark early in the winter, you might consider doing as many photos as you can before the ceremony so that you don't need to do a long cocktail hour. That way, you can spend more on the meal.

dressing cake punch salad

I too plan to wed in the winter, and I think it's a perfect way to spend such a special time with family and friends! I plan on having a FEAST!! All the holiday trimmings and fixings...nothing but the best...simply because it's good food and a great comfort to share it with your family andf friends on such a special ocassion!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

scallops wrapped in bacon. If your having finger food. Chocolate fountain, Don't do turkey and mash. too expected!Congrats!!!!

peppermint flavored punch and/or cake

ginger bread bride and grooms

1. Consult a local caterer or party planner.
2. Look through a Christmas Cook Book and see what sounds right. I know Martha Stewart has one.

Just a thought if I may...

A relative of mine got married on New Year's Eve at the turn of the century. Because of who they were, I couldn't miss it, but I really, really resented being made to attend a wedding on such an occasion.

Now maybe your friends and relatives feel different, but most people would rather be with their own circle of friends and family rather than being forced to spend it at someone's wedding.

Sorry, but I am totally against people getting married on holidays. In my opinion it's very selfish.

You could serve goose,as the main entree, or maybe Spiral ham. And you could hot coca served as a drink with the cake. and you could have gigerbread houses made,mini ones.that would be cute.

I had a December wedding once. It was during a storm so bad we were in the dark with candles & no heat. However, the caterer came up with wontons, finger sandwiches, chilled punch, fruit cups, and some wonderful soup or boullion she warmed on a gas stove.
Happiness on your upcoming nuptuals.

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