Shower ideas? Bridal shower needs help...?!


Shower ideas? Bridal shower needs help...?

I am hosting a December shower fo rmy sister in law to be. SHe has lived with my brother for 10years and they have a 5yr old. I want to have a shower for her but I don't want the typical shower where everyone brings pots, pans and towels. They own their home and don't really need much more of that stuff. She isn't going to register anywhere so I thought a theme party would work, but not sure. Any ideas?

Some theme showers I've attended:

"International cuisine" shower, where each guest was assigned a country and brought gifts related to that country's culinary delights: cookbooks, wine, fancy pastas, vinegars and spices.

Holiday shower, where each guest was supposed to bring a gift related to a different holiday, but that really did result in a lot of housewares: serving dishes, dish towels, ornaments, etc.

Around the clock shower, where each guest is assigned an hour of the day and is supposed to bring a gift that relates to that time.

a male stripper.... its a must for a bridal shower.

I think a party theme would be a good idea, or let people you invite know that they have everything so to give more personal gifts for the bride-to-be. I would want fun gifts drink sets and stuff for the bedroom and candles and all that kind of stuff anways.

How about an ABC shower? With the invitation, you give the
person a letter and they give the bride a gift with that begins with
that letter. If someone gets a Q then perhaps they will give her a
quilt as a gift.

That's odd... I've never been to a bridal shower where the gifts were house stuff... I got (and have always given) "naughty" stuff at the shower. A theme... a scavenger hunt... anything like that would be fun...

If you want to make sure guests don't bring gifts like that include some message indicating that in the invitations.

My favorite shower was a Christmas themed shower. People can bring everything from ornaments to stockings or other things to decorate the newlywed's house for the holidays. Gift giving was much more fun to watch, and you can serve holiday themed food and drinks like Egg Nog, Cider, etc

How about everybody bring a gift that is a letter from her name. Like if her name is Julie for example Someone would by her something that start's with a J if they wanted too or a U for the baby or the mom. Or have themed things that start with her named or the babies name.

Or you can ask her where they are going on their honeymoon and make it a travel bridal shower theme. (if they will tell you). Even if they don't, Think if a place they like to travel and make it a travel Bridal shower.

In most states, they are already married: common law!

Why not just have an "engagement party" for the both of them, and invite friends and family to come celebrate. If people bring a gift, fine, but don't make that an expectation (like a shower is).

what about a lingere shower?

Give her a money tree shower. That's where everyone that comes put cash on a little tree. Then she can buy what she what's or needs They are really fun. Or a Langere party. She can alway's use that.

You can go several ways with this. You could have a shower for them both as a couple. If you only want to give it in her honor then you can possibly choose from the following: Bridal Luncheon - Winter - hot drinks and finger sandwiches kind of thing. Lingerie Bridal Shower - exactly what the name entails. Or have a Bridal Tea Luncheon - Those are always nice around 2 with tea and gifts. Some great ideas for favors are bridal shower scrolls, advice cards, candy, bath salts, mint books - the list is endless - A lot of different opportunities, it is what you feel most comfortable with hosting.

Bridal showers are typically for a new bride starting a new household. I really suggest she register for a few things she might want no matter how out of the ordinary they are.

Your girl needs anything that will alleviate the stress of her daily routine as a mother so that she might be able to acutally enjoy the steps leading up to her wedding. Why don't you talk to all of the girls and figure out who can baby-sit when, in conjunction with every gift being in the spirit of " You are THE BRIDE!" This way, every girl can give a pre-paid appointment for treaments like massages, manicures, tanning etc. After five years of being a mother, she needs to be forced into a little bit of "Me Time," and she DESERVES to be pampered herself, don't you think?

Are they having a honeymoon? I'd try to gear the shower's theme on that. Guests can bring travel related stuff--luggage, tickets to events, pre-paid gas cards, clothing for the trip, spending money, etc.

Name the bastard would be a good idea.

Just getting married after shacking up for 10 years? And they have a 5 year old?

They can have a decency and morality party.

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