What would be a good meal to serve for a light lunch?!


What would be a good meal to serve for a light lunch?

My husband invited our friends over for lunch and I have no idea what to make. Does anyone have any suggestions?

Buy small pizza shells (7" are available) and have a pizza bar. Provide sauce(s), cheeses, toppings and utensils for each person to create his/her own pizza. After the pizzas are in the oven, have vegetables and dip or tossed salad (let your guests add their own dressing) while you wait for the pizzas to bake (usually about 7-10 minutes). You can use any leftover toppings in future meals such as a stews, casseroles, or omelets. It is fun and adaptable to most tastes.

homemade chicken salad, served on a bed of lettuce, surrounded by fresh tomatoes

a nice spinach and feta cheese with egg fried. or maybe a sala like feta cucumber tomatoes and onions

I would offer a selection of salads and different kinds of crackers, cheeses and smoked salmon...mmmm smoked salmon...

If you need something more substantial, you could do pitas with an assortment of fillings (like a make your own sort of deal).

This would be for if it is informal of course!

grilled chicken wraps are good..... easy and you can jazz them up anyway you like

When I have to make a quick lunch a buy pita pockets w/
shredded cheese
bean or alfalfa sprouts
chopped onions
pineapple tidbits
really, whatever you would like, then I use poppy seed dressing(or whatever) and mix it on top of all the veggies and fill the pockets. The good thing about this is that everyone can put in or leave out whatever they like and it's less work for you.

maybe some soup..(tomato, mushroom, chicken) then salad with homemade dressing, preferably light ranch. Also serve fish, maybe with black beans or rice

A Good meal would be perhaps a cesar salad or any kind of salad with some crackers and a drink.On the other hand, you can stay with the salad and instead of the crackers you should have a tuna sandwhich or any kind of snadwhich that satisfies your friends.

I don't eat lunch so I am not much help.
maybe a shimp salad with rolls and lemon ade and brownies that's always good.

oh yes, boil noodles..any kind..enough for everyone. get some veggies..., tomatoes, cucumbers, purple onions, red & yellow & green peppers, broccoli, and cauliflower...chop it up in small bite sized pieces...put aside....after your noodles cook...drain and put in fridge to make cold...then get your favorite italian dressing and pour enough on the noodles to cover them good and then add veggies....you are done...the fix some garlic bread to eat with it and thats all...great little dish for get togethers or even covered dish parties.


Chicken caesar salad with rolls, garlic bread, or croissants.

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