Where can i buy halloween jelly moulds?!


Where can i buy halloween jelly moulds?

i am looking for a brain jelly mould for my son's halloween party. i have seen them in america, but would like to know where the best place to buy halloween merchandise is online in the uk with the best selection.

I bought mine from Yankee Harvest last year
They were great - wonderful recipe. Instructions were a little rough but understandable. The molds came out great. Tasted ok - but I guess it depends on what you are making them for, looks or eating.



Party City ....Party Place...in US ..Not sure there....on line too! I'm sure...Thanks


good question , u can have thumbs up for that , and i can get 2 points . u could try ebay or searching the web

Woolworths? they seem to sell everthing

I'd try ebay they sell most things

on ebay

they have a brain jelly mold for £7.99 buy it now price.

Go on-line and check out Oriental Trading Company and/or Hobby Lobby might have them. God luck.

Card & Party factory is another other that is great!

its a bit early for halloween don't you think? www.nightmarefactory.com costume-party-shop.com

They had some in Morrisons! Along with some winnie the Pooh ones!


Probably ASDA, they sell everything else for Halloween!

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