What is your favoruite starter?!


What is your favoruite starter?

What do you love to order as a starter when you go out for dinner? I usually look for grilled prawns, I love them!

prawn cocktail and pate and very thin toast totally delicious.

smoked salmon, blinis and sour cream

prawn cocktail

garlic mushrooms or anything with prawn depending who's company i'm in ;-)

Avocado, mozzerela and tomato. Think it sometime called tri-colour. Ummmmm

i like shami or sheek kebabs when i have a indian curry


i go for soup of the day in a pint glass i.e larger

i have got to say its gotta be garlic breaded mushrooms mm, scrummy :) maybe add a little side salad and some mayoniase!! well thats it you've got me started now im off to the fridge to see what i can conjour up

Soup or a salad.

Prawn Cocktail or those deep fried mushrooms in breadcrumbs with a garlic dip mmmmmmm

Stuffed mushroom caps, yum!

A bottle of red wine

I like classic and retro can't beat a prawn cocktail!!

However i do sometimes have tempura


Deep fried Brie!!!!!

I love stuffed mushrooms, or if I want to go mega unhealthy I go with potato skins.

i love garlic bread, or soup!

prawn cocktail or breaded mushrooms with garlic dip

Indian ;Tandoori tiger prawns
paneer tikka

Chinese ;Salt&chille ribs
sweet corn chicken soup

Italian ;carpicchio
fungi marinate

Pub grub ;garlic mushroom stuffed with cheese

Crispy Aromatic Duck (chinese)
Shami Kebab (Indian)
Prawn Fish Cakes (thai)
Pate on Toast (english)

got to be something fishy/ seafood. prawn cocktail, hot smoked mackrel with horseraddish sauce, grilled king prawns that kinda thing

Oh, that kind of starter!
I usually go for melon as it freshens the mouth - I have been known to have it for pudding as well.

mozzarella, beef tomatoes, fresh basil. sprinkle with olive oil and freshly grounded black pepper. served with sliced crusty country bread.

indian,, chicken and chana chat puri. its fine diced chicken and chickpeas cooked in special herbs and spices then served on a deep fried flaky unleavened bread. u could also try it with just chicken, chicken and spinach or prawns. a definate must try for all indian food lovers. it out of this world

Chicken Nachos with lots of salsa

onion bargee with prawn cocktail

Spinach dip

Melted Camembert with slivers of garlic & pitta bread

spicy buffalo wings with blue cheese dressing, and a margarita!!!!!

potato skins, steak nachos with the works and chicken tenders with ranch.

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