What foods (vegetables, fruits, etc.) can gerbils eat? ?!

Question: What foods (vegetables, fruits, etc!.) can gerbils eat!? !?
I know carrots are good, but you can add that I guess!.

I also know that the foods need to be given in very small portions, and shouldn't be given a lot!.
If the foods you suggest prove otherwise, please tell me!.

I won''t pick you if you use what a website says, and you don't put it in quotes, because you are taking credit for someone else's answer/words!.

Please be 100% sure! I really don't want to hurt my gerbils I love them too much for that!

P!.S!. My gerbils are 4 months old!. also, sorry if I sounded mean, I was just telling you that you must play by the rules!.

Thank you SO much in advance! Have a great day!Www@FoodAQ@Com

Most squash/pumpkin seeds are ok as long as they are natural with no sugar, salt or other seasonings!. I used to hoard the ones from the halloween pumpkin for mine, as well as from any squash that I was preparing!. They love them!. I also grew sunflowers for them in the summer and then gave them those seeds when they were ready!. As for squash seeds, wash them off and don't give too many at once, they can get pudgy, lol! They also like whole buckwheat, rolled oats, steel cut oats, peanuts (raw, unsalted), any kind of raw, unseasoned tree nut!. Please give these only as treats, your guys will get pudgy if given too many!. A pudgy gerbil lives a shorter life!.

Apples are fine, just NO SEEDS!. The seeds contain a cyanide like substance that can make them ill!. (Dogs can't have them either)!. All of the following is raw with no seasonings:
Bok Choy, Broccoli and cauliflower (they really like the "stumps"), cauliflower leaves,kale, dandelion leaves from your yard if not treated or fertilized, pears (no seeds), strawberries are a favorite always, as are carrots!.

No: citrus or acidic foods, no potato, no onion (causes anemia and death), pineapple, rhubarb (toxic), or junk foods (sweets, chips, etc!.)

I am sure there is more, I just can't think of them off the top of my head!. I am sure there is a list on the web somewhere!Www@FoodAQ@Com

Apple, pear, raisins, cucumber, melon, crisp lettuce, celery, broccoli, cauliflower!.

Pretty much any fruit and veg, but not acidic ones (citrus, tomatoes) or strongly flavoured (like onion)!. Raw potatoes are probably not good for them!.


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