Do you hate or love coffee?!
hate :)
I love coffee but only very good stuff. If you have to flavor it with sugar or cream it just isn't good coffee. If good it can be strong without being bitter. There is a brand called Cadillac that I like, the all Columbian blend.
I don't like plain coffee but I like some coffee drinks. Starbuck's Peppermint Mocha is really good. I think I'm more of a tea person though.
its a bit crap cus it leaves a bit of a nasty taste in your mouth. not as overrated as tea. tea is the most overrated thing since lord of the rings
I do not like coffee
I think opening up a new can of coffee smells good but have never liked the taste
I love proper coffee, but hate the instant variety.
Love it, but not the instant coffee, or coffee with milk in it.
Love the smell of it, hate the taste of it.
I love it but I limit myself to a max of 2 cups per day. Other than that, I drink a TON of green tea... soo good for you!
I love coffee and am drinking a cup right now.
I freaking love ground coffee!!! but can't stand the instant stuff.
Coffe is the drink of life.
J'adore cafe.
ooo! I love coffee with alot of cream in it!
Never tried it.
I'm more of a tea person