If coffee at Starbucks cost $10 a cup, would the demand from consumers decrease dramatically?!

Question: What is the elasticity of a highly successful company? Some people drink coffee on a daily basis..so what's it worth to you?

Answers: What is the elasticity of a highly successful company? Some people drink coffee on a daily basis..so what's it worth to you?

I would not pay the price they wanted for a cup of coffee when they first opened here in New Jersey why in the world would I spend $10.00 now. I think anyone who spends that kind of money for a cup of coffee is on an ego trip and needs to get a grip on themselves.

I wouldn't pay that. I stopped going to Starbucks so much when I discovered some of the flavored creamers in the grocery are better and exactly what I want.

well, i know they would lose me as a customer. it's not like soaring gas prices. you can go without a cup of coffee every morning. gas, you kinda need, especially when public transportation doesn't go to the place you work. starbucks is more a status symbol. it's not so much that they have the urge for a cup of coffee. it's walking into the workplace with you breifcase and Starbucks. pathetic.

I would never pay that much for coffee anywhere. Of course the smell of Starbucks makes me sick so that could be a problem.

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