Is it soda or pop, or both?!

Question: Here is Arkansas we call everything Coke...ex:
" Hey, do you want a coke?"
"What kind?"
"umm...Sprite would be fine."

Answers: Here is Arkansas we call everything Coke...ex:
" Hey, do you want a coke?"
"What kind?"
"umm...Sprite would be fine."

it's both it all depends were you are at in the country in the mid atlanitic we call it soda the south they call it pop

it's both but also soda pop

depends on where you live...both, or either, or other

Neither here - we call them soft drinks in central canada or maybe pop in the east.

Or Neither. In Louisiana, Atlanta, and in South Alabama, no one says either soda or pop. It's a Coke! Always a Coke. It doesn't matter if it's a Pepsi, a Dr. Pepper, or what. It's a Coke.

It gets called:
soda pop
-soft drinks
-fizzy juice

etc depends where you are really :)

depends on where you live. Here in Massachusetts its soda

it's both depending upon where you live. in NJ it's soda.

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