Arabs, how many starbucks coffes you drink a day??!

Question: Their CEO thinks that giving $6B Dollars a year to Israel will help diminish ARABS!! What do you think about that?? Fancy that Frapuccino?

Answers: Their CEO thinks that giving $6B Dollars a year to Israel will help diminish ARABS!! What do you think about that?? Fancy that Frapuccino?

I don't like star.b cuz they give money to the Jews to kill other Arabs so the money is not for donation but for damnation

well i go to the store almost all the time and i always get a frappucino andi also discovered that im a caffeineolic lie an alcholholic but with caffeine i cant stop drinking cofee or pepsi!!

Starbucks is love o_o.

Yes, I do fancy fraps D:

Drink some at least twice a week.

.... -leaves-

Get your facts straight. This is a RUMOR and in fact, the RUMOR has gone both ways. They were allegedly supporting Arabs at one point as well. READ THE COMMENT ON THE SECOND LINK, it states: "Comments: The above message was not written by Starbucks chairman Howard Schultz. It is a "spoof" authored by Andrew Winkler."

Onto the real issue here:
Helping Israel doesn't mean diminishing Arabs. They, if they are in fact giving money to Israel, are just helping them rebuild a nation that has been involved in WAY too many continuous wars. Just because someone or some corporation gives something to someone doesn't mean they are AGAINST someone else.

Ok, I'm not Arab, in fact I'm an American Jew, but that is irrelevant for this question.
1- no self-respecting Arab or any person from anywhere in the Middle East or the Mediterranean will drink Charbucks. Once you've had real coffee, you can't drink Starbucks.That stuff is disgusting- sour and burnt without real coffee flavor. I love strong coffee, but Starbucks isn't strong- it's just burnt.
2- many companies give money to Israel if their owners are Jewish. Ben and Jerry's is one example
3- Them giving money to Israel doesn't mean they dislike Arabs, it just means they support Israel. If you donated money, you'd probably give it to some Arab organization, just like for example a person from the Philippines would give it to a Filipino organization
4- If he really said that, their CEO is a a stupid intolerant *** and you should stop drinking their coffee. But as I said again, I'm on the opposite side of the spectrum, and I still boycott Starbucks

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