Why do you drink water?!

Question: Lots of reasons. In addition to being thirst quenching it is the healthiest thing you can drink. It is calorie free, and as well as hydrating your body, it detoxifies your system, making it easier for food to digest and remove itself from your system thus aiding in weight loss. It also works as a means of clearing acne problems and overall makes you feel better.

Answers: Lots of reasons. In addition to being thirst quenching it is the healthiest thing you can drink. It is calorie free, and as well as hydrating your body, it detoxifies your system, making it easier for food to digest and remove itself from your system thus aiding in weight loss. It also works as a means of clearing acne problems and overall makes you feel better.

It's thirst quenching, cheap, good for you (maybe better way to put it is it's NOT bad for you), no calories, and it's convenient.

so you can stay hydrated der!!lol

Without it you would be dead in 3 days.

yes but not a s much as i should and i know thats bad!!
water is good for the body i guess

because I want to LIVE!!

the whole body mechanism need water for its proper function...for instance following activities not possible without water..digestion,blood circulation,growth and there are hundreds of chemical activities here inside our bodies which need water.................. so the medium is a water..

It's the only thing that quenches my thirst.

You need water to survive. Our bodies are like 90% water and will shut down if you don't drink enough.

so i dont die

To stay hydrated. Of course you can drink other things, but what hydrates you is the water content in the drink. If you drink water, your body won't have to filter out as much other stuff. Water is sugar free and calorie free. It doesnt contain artificial coloring or sweeteners, which some believe may contribute to some types of cancer. Water keeps your skin from drying out (if you drink an adequate amount) and helps reduce strain on your kidneys. Its also great to quench thirst. Why wouldn't someone drink water?

because sawdust clumps

because I'm thirsty especially when it mixed with hops and barley

To stay alive, to not get dehydrated and water is everywhere and if it vanished pretty much everyone would evenutually die.

to keep my brain lubricated!

It has always been my favorite drink , & the best reason why I drink it is that I love it .

I like being alive, and I don't like getting fat from drinking juice and soda

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