What's your favourite coffee blend (ground coffe)?!

Question: Cafe grand-mere. We buy it in France. Good value, strong and delicious...

Answers: Cafe grand-mere. We buy it in France. Good value, strong and delicious...

douwe egberts continental - mmmmmmmm

Blue Mountain no doubt!

Super dark. Italian roast, but not espresso.
Keep changing my mind. I'm a psycho about the right coffee!

Percol Organic Freetrade Guatamalan - £2.49 from Waitrose

Cafe Direct Machu Picchu Organic

my husbands favourite ground coffee blend is decafeineated cafe hag he says it has a very mild mellow taste

blue mountain hazelnut coffee^.^the bessssst

I don't have a favorite. For what ever reason, my coffee palate just isn't that sophisticated. I tend to buy medium to dark roasts and lately I've been buying organic when it's available. This morning the 7-11 where I normally stop on my way to work was closed due to a power outage so I made coffee at my desk with a miniature ceramic drip coffee thingy that you use #1 filters in. It makes one cup. You set it on top pf your cup with the filter and 1- 1/2 scoop of coffee and pour boiling water over top. It makes a delicious cup! Today I used Seattle's Best ground organic coffee - breakfast blend (dark roast). It was soooo good!!

Sorry to be so long winded - must be the coffee kicking in!

Oh, I almost forgot. There are a couple of coffee brands I just can't stand: Dunkin Donuts and 7-11 regular.

My favorite coffee is a brand called Cafe Du Monde. It is a coffee and chicory mix from New Orleans, Louisiana. I usually purchase mine from small Vietnamese operated shops.

When I get coffee from a supermarket, I buy Chockful of Nuts - New York Blend (a nice dark rich flavor) or French Roast Blend. It can be found in most supermarkets.

im not really into coffee.........
sure,a latte in starbucks is gud,but im not a regular coffee drinker!

Caribou. More flavor if you grind it yourself, tho.

My favorite kind of coffee is the Kona coffee.

Lavazza Perfetto ground espresso coffee. The best!


Nescafe Gold Blend ...... would you like me to put the kettle on?


what can beat illy? not just smooth but as smooth as Ross' skin xx

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