Does moutain do have caffeine in it?!

Question: Yes Mountain Dew has the most caffeine of all soft drinks!!!!

Answers: Yes Mountain Dew has the most caffeine of all soft drinks!!!!

yes, quite a lot actually. it has about 48mg caffeine per 12 fl oz i think. that's 14mg more than a can of coke.

Mountain dew has a high contents of caffeine.

oh yeah. if youre trying not to have a lot of caffeine, i would definately recommend not drinking mountain dew.

it's got a ton of caffeine.

Regular Mountain Dew is caffeine-free in Canada. They have an "energy drink" version in Canada which has caffeine in it. In the US, Mountain Dew is full of caffeine.

yes, it has caffeine

i am pretty sure that it has a lot of caffine in it.

Heck yeah! It has as much caffeine as 2 cups of coffee.

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