How to make a good mocha?!

Question: Does anyone know how to make a good mocha flavored coffee at home? Please tell me!

Answers: Does anyone know how to make a good mocha flavored coffee at home? Please tell me!


1/2 c. instant cocoa
1/2 c. instant coffee
2 tbsp. sugar
1/2 tsp. cinnamon
1/4 tsp. nutmeg
3 3/4 c. boiling water

The first 5 ingredients may be mixed and stored in an airtight container. For 1 quart of Coffee Mocha use all 6 ingredients. For individual servings 2 tablespoons mix and 1 cup boiling water.

i have an orange scented mocha you might like. 3 cups of milk 6 oz. semisweet chocolate morsels 4 ( 2 inch) orange rind strips 1/2 teaspoon instant expresso or 3/4 teaspoon coffee granules 1/8 teaspoon ground nutmeg sweetened whipped cream combine first 5 ingredients in heavy medium saucepan. cook over medium heat, whisking often, 3 to 4 minutes or until chocolate is melted. increase heat to medium high and cook whisking 4 - 5 minutes or just until mixture begins to boil. remove from heat, discard orange rind strips. serve immediately with sweetened whip cream garnish with orange rind strips and curls and a sprinkle with nutmeg if desired. 4 servings prep time 10 minutes cook time 9 minutes. good luck

ok well if instant coffee use about 1 tspn coffee and 2 heaped hotchocolate powder then mix the two together till combined then warm up some milk a cup and put coffee/choc mixutre in a cup add hot milk stir yumm
i want one now

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