What is the recipe for Raspberry Lemonade from Starbucks?!

Question: I love it sooooo much but paying $3 for the smallest size is too expensive for me because i have to pay for everything on my own now. Please help me especially if you work at Starbucks. By the way, I am looking for the regular Raspberry Lemonade recipe, not the frozen. THANKS SOOOO MUCH IN ADVANCE! <3

Answers: I love it sooooo much but paying $3 for the smallest size is too expensive for me because i have to pay for everything on my own now. Please help me especially if you work at Starbucks. By the way, I am looking for the regular Raspberry Lemonade recipe, not the frozen. THANKS SOOOO MUCH IN ADVANCE! <3

You can use any kind of lemonade and just buy a bottle of Raspberry syrup from your local Starbucks. On the Starbucks website it costs $10.95 but a store might sell it cheaper, be sure to get a pump. The one bottle will last a while and you can get like 30 talls from it. I used to work at Starbucks and the general recipe is 3 pumps in a Tall, 4 in a Grande and 5 in a Venti. But you can adjust to your taste and all that. Just remember that the sizes of the cold bev. cups are 12 oz, 16 oz and 24 oz.

Crystal Light has On-the-go has Raspberry Lemonade mix in individual packets or cups. It's cheap and you can get it anywhere, I've tried it and it tastes similar to Starbucks ... it is the closest you can get to it without spending a lot.

I've never tried the raspberry lemonade but I feel your pain because I took can no longer afford my venti lattes. I tried duplicating them at home to no avail. Good luck.

it's just lemonade and raspberry syrup.

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