How do I make a perfect cup of coffee with a french press?!

Question: I have always been fascinated with the french press because I hear it makes the best cup of coffee. How do I do it...? I'm hoping some french press expert can give me the lowdown on a great cup of coffee.

Answers: I have always been fascinated with the french press because I hear it makes the best cup of coffee. How do I do it...? I'm hoping some french press expert can give me the lowdown on a great cup of coffee.

Hi, I was really pleased to see this question.
I use a stove top esspresso and a plunger (french press - we call it plunger coffee in AU) and plunger coffee is my favourite

I always warm the pot with the boiling water first out of the kettle. while the plunger and press are warming, the kettle is coming off the boil and that is important because you don't want to scorch the coffee. So, you've waited a couple of minutes for everything to warm up, you can toss out the warming water. I use a heaped (very well rounded) dessertspoon of coffee for each cup, because I like it strong and I like to be able to see the crema on the top of the pot. Measure your coffee into the pot and pour over the water. Take your dessertspoon and stir the coffee into the water well. Then leave the coffee to infuse for 3-4 minutes. Take the plunger and check the bottom to make sure it's screwed on nice and tight and place it into the pot making sure that it is straight. Press down slowly and evenly making sure not to force it. If you force it, you can end up with hot coffee all over you. When the plunger is at the lowest point ( sitting ontop of the coffee grounds) you should get a beautiful crema rise to the surface. If you like white coffee, and the coffee is nice and strong, why not warm the milk a bit too? I use a good inch or more of milk and warm it in the microwave before I pour over the coffee.
I really hope you get one. Enjoy.

Remove the plunger unit from the French Press. For each four-ounce cup of coffee grind 2 T (or one standard coffee scoop) of whole bean coffee. Dark roasted, oily beans are traditionally used. Use only coarsely ground coffee as fine grind (such as for expresso)coffee may clog the filter and create high pressure.

Place the coffee in the bottom of the French Press. Be sure to discard the warming water if you used it.
Add hot, not boiling water to the pot. Leave a minimum of one inch at the top. Stir gently.
Place the plunger unit back on top of pot. Turn the lid to close off the pour spout opening. Do NOT press down at this point. Allow the coffee to brew for at least four minutes. Hold the pot handle firmly with the spout turned away from you. Use the weight of your hand to apply slight pressure on top of the knob and lower the plunger straight down into the pot. Lowering the plunger slowly with minimal pressure produces the best results. Do not use excessive force, which can cause scalding liquid to shoot out of the pot.
Turn the lid open the pour spout and pour coffee.

make sure you follow the directions and that the water is the pressing down matters....don't go fast or you'll get the grounds in your cup...slowly but firmly....a single serve french press is the best..i had one years ago and I loved loved using it....reminds me to ask my mom where it is.....Good LUCK!!!!

A few websites (you will define "perfect" as you practice making your coffee):


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