Whats the best energy drink?!

Question: I love energy drinks and try to drink i new one everytime i need a little more energy. Whats the one with a great taste and a good buzz?

Answers: I love energy drinks and try to drink i new one everytime i need a little more energy. Whats the one with a great taste and a good buzz?


there the only thing that works for me..
no redbull, no monster..ROCKSTAR!


red bull

Vitamin Water

You can check out the links below.
I prefer coffee really, enjoy your day!

Red Bull1 That's the best kick! but if you need energy for more than 4 hrs get the bigger one! believe me I have tried most of them!

Hi, you should steer clear of energy drinks as they are loaded with sugar and additives and the caffeine in them in immense drinking them may be nice but they are very bad for you. Even the sugar free ones.

If you want to have a buzz, try a double shot espresso as you should only need one of these as it proves to be very strong.
Other than that just stick to coffee at least you knwow what is in that!

i like vitamin water, the one with the lizard commercial


ooh Vitamin Water because there a lot of flavors and each flavor is a different vitamin

I personally like Red Bull, but some people don't like the taste of that. Amp is pretty good, kind of tastes like Mountain Dew if you like that. If you don't like any of those my third choice would probably be Monster. The green kind.

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