Beans for french press?!

Question: Is it important the the beans are ground in a consistent manner like with on a regular machine?
I have a blade grinder and if i keep it on too long it may make them too small...

Answers: Is it important the the beans are ground in a consistent manner like with on a regular machine?
I have a blade grinder and if i keep it on too long it may make them too small...

great question. you may get tiny grinds even if you ground it for say, even as little as 5 seconds. The reason is because the blade grinds in an inconsistent manner. It's just the nature of the device. With that said, it is still ok to grind it for a short period of time and you'll still get some grinds that fall through the plunge filter, but don't worry about it.

If it gets too bad for your taste, a burr grinder is supposedly a better investment. I'm in no rush though.

No, coarse grind is recommended and what works best with the french press. 5 to 10 seconds should be fine for grinding time but every grinder is different.
Your 1st answerer has some good points as well.

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