What is Ur fave chocolate?!

Question: Ghiradelli milk chocolate squares with caramel or any of those associated chocolates that are made by Godiva.

Answers: Ghiradelli milk chocolate squares with caramel or any of those associated chocolates that are made by Godiva.

Anything by Godiva. I used to love their chocolate raspberry truffle ice cream.

Godiva dark chocolate with rassberry filling

hershey bars

hershey's if you're talking about candy
for certain kind of choclate i'd say rich milk chocolate

Does chocolate gelato from Rome count?

Arriba Premium Dark Chocolate (50%)
by Cacao Reserve by Hershey's
---"Dark milk chocolate with a floral aroma and subtle woodsy herbal notes throughout. Hints of roasted nut and caramel."

Beyond that, I will pretty much eat any type of chocolate offered.

My favourite chocolate is anything by Cadbury :)


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