How can i balance working at starbucks with school?!
I really want to work at starbucks but I dont want to miss out on an education for 8 dolars and hour!. Is there any way i can balance out starbucks with studying homework and school!?!?!?Www@FoodAQ@Com
well you can and you cant!.!.!.!.consider doing part time hours and give urself plenty of time for studying and homework!.!.!.if ur a hard worker u could do it!.!.!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
you only need to work at starbucks for 20 hours to get full benefits and all that!.
food service is a very time consuming business!. you either love it or you hate it!.
i have been in the food service for 20 years!.!.
there are days when i can strangle anybody 35 different ways when they pi$$ me off but then there is this high where a rush is over and everybody's happy!. it's a great feeling!.
--- a thing about starbucks if you cut your hours down be prepare to get crappy shifts!.
food service is a very time consuming business!. you either love it or you hate it!.
i have been in the food service for 20 years!.!.
there are days when i can strangle anybody 35 different ways when they pi$$ me off but then there is this high where a rush is over and everybody's happy!. it's a great feeling!.
--- a thing about starbucks if you cut your hours down be prepare to get crappy shifts!.
Homework on Saturday and Starbucks on SundayWww@FoodAQ@Com
Sure Just Work Part Time Instead Of Full TimeWww@FoodAQ@Com
you should just quit school!. school is for fools Www@FoodAQ@Com
work part-time along with schoolWww@FoodAQ@Com