What happens if you drink too much coke cola?!
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You will turn to Michael Jackson.
Hope you use your high on dancing like him.
Coke is full of sugar which will give you fake high, soon you will used up the sugar and look for replacement and no time you are addicted to it. Before its too late introduce a substitute ( water,herbal tea) and get our of it. Good Luck.
You often will gain wait and decay your teeth, but besides that, you probably will put yourself at a very high risk for cancer of the esophagus. This happens because you burp a lot more and your body doesn't want to release the burps. It's a very unnatural thing for you body to do.
Seems everyone is of the notion you will get fat. This is true when you get into your 20's say mid 20's. The rotting of tetth is true but most of all your inside are getting eaten up. Put a fork in a class and por coke in the glass then wait three days and see what the fork looks like that is your teeth and your internal organs. So swith to pepsi or real fruit juices.
Your teeth will start to rot. You will gain weight. You're blood sugar will increase very high(possible risk of getting type 2 diabetes). You may want to cut down on drinking the sodas. Maybe you should try some water? If not, just excercise daily and brush your teeth alot(just like you should be doing anyways).
The worst that can happen is your teeth will rot. I drink my fair share of fizzy drinks. Im ok, Teeth should be brushed 3 times a day if you drink Coke-Cola. If you are in education or work, just brush well and you'll be fine :)
The main outcomes will be obesity and diabetes type 2. You can also have gastric problems
You put on a LOT of weight, get lots of energy rush and can't sleep at night. Not to mention bad dental hygiene (yellow teeth) and destroy your stomach lining with the excess acid.
You will be like most Americans:
High Blood Pressure
Can't see their shoes as the stomach blocks the view
You get fat, your teeth rot, you get diabetes, and you get a HUGE sugar addiction.
im like that . its just soo delicious . lol
but it can give you kidney stones .
thats why i've just gone from like 5 a day to only two sodas
You Become Fat And have sugar Problems :)
you get bloated ALLLL THE TIMEEE...
ur gonna get fat and ur body is going to depend on it