Is love real..........?!
Of course you can love someone your whole life. Haven't you loved family members and friends your whole life? But the love of a long-term marriage changes over time. It's certainly not the same in year 20 as in year 1. Your priorities are different, your interests are different, your boundaries are different. The love is deeper, more stable and more "big picture". That is, you don't get upset about one word or a look or one argument. Your feelings are deeply rooted in all the memories and things you've shared. So the answer to your question is yes AND no. Yes, you can love someone forever, but no, you don't have the same emotions that entire time. The love changes and evolves over the years-- just as the couple changes.
Happily married 29 years.
no love isnt real
i mean what i think is that with love someone always ends up alone
if its divorce or if its death someone always ends up getting hurt or alone
and i know people say id rather to have love and lost then to have never love but its all bull id rather not love at all if its going to hurt me and leave me left alone in the long run
i vow to never fall in love
sorry if i hurt anyones feeling or if crushed someones dreams
There are different types of love. Love-children - lasts forever no matter what. There is lady who took up for her son even though he tried to kill her. Love-parents - usually forever. Love-mate - can last forever it is all up to the mates. Usually the emotions change because the people change.
Love is very real! I have been with my wife for 5 years now and she is everything to me. She's as funny, charming and sexy to me as the day I first met her and I know that won't change!!
yes we can love actually love someone your whole life but love should be from both sides only then it can remain forever for one person. If it is one sided , it will fade away with the winds of time.
Yes it is possible to love someone your hole life.. and ofcourse love is real.
No it's not, I made it up. Of course it is you silly cow.