Eating butter keeps you sober??!


Eating butter keeps you sober??

I met a Russian lady who kept bottles of very good vodka in her cooler. Anyway, she told me that they eat butter before going out to clubs so they can drink whatever they want without getting drunk. Is that true? Or maybe it just coats the stomach so you don't get sick. What do you think? Has anyone ever heard of that?

No. Alcohol absorption from the stomach is amazingly rapid and complete. It doesn't need to be metabolized or even wait to get into the duodenum. Butter is a huge load of fat, though, so you feel full for a while and therefore have less of an urge to drink.

Wow, never heard of that before. Ive heard about bread working like a sponge to absorb the alcohol. But butter, you would think is like greasy. It doesn't make sense but who knows. lol.

No, it's not true.

Not likely, but having food in the stomach helps. Drinking will get you way around that.

uh i think the only way to be sober is to not consume alcohol what about the artery clogging that will result from eating butter.....gross man

no actually never heard of it... sounds kinda nasty tho like it wud get u sick but i dunno

Well, fat can slow down absorption of stuff but youll need to eat a lot of butter and..dang .the calories...

I sincerly doubt that butter will keep you sober since it is the alcohol affects on brain that cause you to become drunk.

Of course it does...the butter will coat your stomach and blocks your body from absorbing alchohol....but your poop will sure sting.

Sooner or later the alcohol will be absorbed by your body.

Why would anyone drink alcohol if they want to stay sober?

That doesn't make any sense!

They are so full of crap and you fell for it -hahaa butter that is funny............

I have never heard of that and can i say YUCK and GROSS. I don't see how that would help at all. I really don't see how butter would "coat" your stomach it might aid in the "flow" of your ummmmm contents.. that's just gross...


i have never heard of that one. guess theres only one way to find out. try it!!

Alcohol has to wear off there's nothing you can take that will make you sober.

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