Shot or drink names... need a list?!

Question: Shot or drink names!.!.!. need a list!?
ive been 21 for like 2 months now and every time i go to the bar i usually end up getting the same shot or drink!. bull blasters, some drinks with cola, incredible hulks, among other common things!. is there a web site that has a list of drinks and shots and what is in them!. i tried wiki but didnt really help much!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

this is really good, you put the ingredient, such as vodka, and it spits out tons of drinks!!!!


I dont know the recipes, but I can give you some that a bartender should know how to make!.

1!. buttery nipple
2!. scooby snack shot
3!. royal flush (really good)!.
4!. soco and lime
5!. blowjobs ( fun to take and really good)Www@FoodAQ@Com

This website will keep you busy!. There is tons of shots to try!Shot to try
Pink P-U-S-S-Y
1/2 oz Tequila Rose
1/2 oz Hot Damn

Alabama Slammers are good too!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Red headed slut
Alabama Slammer
Mac Truck
Nuts and berries
Flaming Dr!. Pepper
Buttery Crown

www!.webtender!.com has a great site for drinksWww@FoodAQ@Com

Try a slutty girlscout: Equal parts Jager/Rumpleminz/Bailys!. it tastes like a thin mint cookie and will do the trickWww@FoodAQ@Com

try a towaca bomb !. shot of towaca( taste like butterscotch) and drop it in a glass of monster drink my they are good!Www@FoodAQ@Com

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