What to get in Germany?!

Question: What to get in Germany!?
I have a friend who will be visiting Germany this summer and has offered to bring me back some alcoholic goodies!.

What are some recomendations on what to get!? (Brand names and prices please)

One Idea I had was some original recipe Absinthe, and the beer they have over there that is 37% alcohol!.

Thanks for the ideas!Www@FoodAQ@Com

Original recipe absinthe came from France!.!.!. It isn't worth it!. Real absinthe is a myth!.

The highest ABV beer in the world is Utopia at 25% and it is American!.

Tell him to pick you up just about anything made by Privatbrauerei Franz Inselkammer KG / Brauerei Aying
(Ayinger) or Paulaner Salvator Thomasbraeu AG that aren't available in the US!.

Or better yet, have him make a day trip to Belgium and the Sint-Sixtusabdij abbey and get you a mixed case of Westvleteren beers!.!.!. The best in the world!.!.!. Not just my opinion!.


Sorry, I forgot about Hair of the Dog's Dave Barleywine!.!.!. it is 29%!. Though it is argued if this is actually a beer or not at such a high ABV!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

If I went to German, I'd probably get herpes or an std!. But, all joking aside, every little town and village has a handful of local breweries, and according to the locals, that is the best beer in all of Germany/Europe/World!. So I'd request some small local brews from different villages!. I would like the beers that not only can you not find them outside of Germany, you probably can't even find them outside of their village!. That would be my request!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

gewurtraminer (white wine)Www@FoodAQ@Com

Kuppers Kolsch from Cologne is a really good beer!.
How about some fresh Jager!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

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