Do they still make flavored champagnes?!

Question: Do they still make flavored champagnes!?
During really hot days back in the '80s, some crazy college friends and I went wild over CHAMPAGNE FLOATS (!) made with flavored (strawberry, almond, orange) champagne and a scoop of vanilla ice cream! I hadn't thought about them for over two decades until a hot day recently--when i suddenly realized I hadn't seen these flavored champagnes for years!. Anyone know if they still make them!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

Champagne has never been made flavored!.

You are talking about some other sparkling wine, not Champagne!.

There are many flavored sparkling wines made in California, for example Temecula Creek Vineyard's Peach Flavored or Weibel NV Almond Flavored or Almond Creek Almond Flavored Sparkling WineWww@FoodAQ@Com

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