Scary drink recepies - alcohol?!

Question: Scary drink recepies - alcohol!?
im attending a `zombie pub crawl` amd need to help the bars w recipes for scary drinks like a zombie, or a swamp water!.us anyone have good recipes!. or recipes for drinks that just look cool!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

Bloody Brain

Ingredients to use: 1!.0 drop Grenadine
0!.5 oz Irish Cream
0!.5 oz Peach Schnapps

Directions: Pour half a shot of Peach Schnapps, then half a shot of Irish Cream!. Finally, slowly drop a little grenadine into the glass over the back of a warm spoon!. The finished shot will be a gruesome floating bloody brain!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Vodka lime and soda, loads of lime so its really green! Only one I can think of - been drinking it all night! hic !.!.!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

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