Help with wine - cheese pairing?!

Question: Help with wine - cheese pairing!?
What cheese would go best with a cabernet-sauvignon!?
And what wine goes best with bleu cheese!?

Thanks! :)Www@FoodAQ@Com

Actually, Blue cheese goes great with a cabernet-sauvignon!. Although, it also pairs with Merlot, Muscat,, Port, Sauternes, Sherry or any sweet wines!. It's really up to you, in the end!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I live in cheese country!. I have eaten cheese that most people in this country would not even believe was possible!.

If the wine is good, any strong flavored cheese will work with a Cab!. Bleu and Aged Cheddar come to mind!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Kraft cheese singles with a case of cheap wine!.Failing that a gut full of passion pop followed by some cheese sticks ,hope this helps ,,,Jase THEEE FANTASTICWww@FoodAQ@Com

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