Does Skyy vodka taste good???!

Question: Does Skyy vodka taste good!?!?!?
I luv how every vodka taste!.!.!.i'm a vodka girl!!! but everyone seems to hate skyy vodka, do you guys think its that bad!?!?!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

i love it! it is a beautiful bottle and the taste is tolerable!. i love it, especially with gatorade rainWww@FoodAQ@Com

Yeah not a big fan of Sky vodka and I do like vodka!. If your looking for some of the best of the best though Check out Blue Ice and Teton Glacier vodka, they are still distilled from potato's and are excellent, in fact Teton rates about a 93 of 100 and Blue Ice comes in close behind it!. For something a little different try Grey Goose, it is distilled in Cognac France from wheat then imported to the US and is claimed to be the best in the world and has plenty of medals to back up the claim, however is is a bit more pricey!. For an all around mixer/maker I usually stick with Smirnoff Triple Black, its priced in the mid range and is widely available unlike the first two that are only available in about 20 states!. Happy Hunting!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I have only had Skyy once, and to be perfectly honest with you, I really don't remember what it tasted like! My favorite is called Hendrix Electric vodka!. I think it has the best taste of all the vodkas that I have tried!. (And can remember)!!!!Www@FoodAQ@Com

I don't really like vodka!.!.i prefer flavored vodka!.!.!.i think if I remember correctly sky vodka has a HORRIBLE hangover!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

No vodka tastes good by itself!.

In fact, I just had some cheap vodka that reminds me so much of lighter fluid!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

yeerrrr its pretty gross

for a vodka!.!.!. its not good!.

but dun take my word for it, i dun drink THAT muchWww@FoodAQ@Com

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