Other than red bull what can i mix jagermeister with... i just bought a bottle of it?!

Question: Other than red bull what can i mix jagermeister with!.!.!. i just bought a bottle of it!?
yeah so it was on sale and my favorite shot is a bull blaster!.!.!. i bought a 4 pack of red bull!. but i wanna know what else would be good with the jager!.!.!. let me knowWww@FoodAQ@Com

i love jagermeister by itself, but here are some nice shots you might enjoy-

"liquid cocaine"
1/2 oz jager
1/2 oz goldschlager
1/2 oz rum

"liquid asphault"
3/4 oz sambuca
3/4 oz jager
(the jager gets layered on top of the sambuca)

"burning nazi"
1/2 oz jager
1/2 oz rumple minze peppermint liqueurWww@FoodAQ@Com

Surprisingly Jager goes really well with dry ginger ale!.

It can also be mixed with coke, or some people like it with tonic (not my thing though)!.

I think dry is the best, especially if you can put in a few pieces of fresh lime!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Jager, rumplemintz and goldslager!.!.!.!. it's a shot and it's called a dead naziWww@FoodAQ@Com

Try Jager with Midori and Cranberry!. Another would be Jager with sprite and chambordWww@FoodAQ@Com

The energy drink Monster is AWESOME!!! The green label or blue!. Mix half & half over ice & Mmmmmmmmmm!.!.!.it's kinda like a grape soda!. Try it & please let me know what u think!. Thanks!!Www@FoodAQ@Com


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